Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Apple Cider versus Apple Juice Taste Test

Apple Cider Versus Apple Juice
By Mania

We had a blind taste test at school on October 13th 2017. We were taste testing apple juice and apple cider! They were labeled A and B. My favorite was A. I predict that A is apple cider and B is apple juice. We had made the apple cider before we tasted the apple juice or apple cider. Do you like apple juice or apple cider better? I think A tasted sweeter than B. I also think that B tasted duller than A. I can't wait to find out what the results were.

Thank you Mania for your concise and thoughtful description of the taste test. BTW, Your prediction about cider being A was correct. 😀 😀 Thanks also to: Brandon for helping create the bar graph; and Aidan, Patience, Kelsey, Leeza, Kaleb, Jude, Cole and Jacob for helping collect the data. Please see the frequency table and bar graph below for a visual description of the data.

Frequency Table of Smiley Face Ratings for Apple Cider and Apple Juice

Apple Cider
Apple Juice
1 Smiley
2 Smileys
3 Smileys
4 Smileys
5 Smileys
1 Smiley
2 Smileys
3 Smileys
4 Smileys
5 Smileys











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