Thursday, November 9, 2017

Place Based/Project Based Learning

The 5th grade is in the process of making public service announcements about school recycling and composting.  We have groups working on researching school on-site composting, planning a teaching assembly on recycling and composting, making posters about recycling for the classrooms, creating PSA videos on recycling and composting, and writing articles to local newspapers about our programs.  Here is a video of the kids conducting their research and writing emails.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Apple Cider versus Apple Juice Taste Test

Apple Cider Versus Apple Juice
By Mania

We had a blind taste test at school on October 13th 2017. We were taste testing apple juice and apple cider! They were labeled A and B. My favorite was A. I predict that A is apple cider and B is apple juice. We had made the apple cider before we tasted the apple juice or apple cider. Do you like apple juice or apple cider better? I think A tasted sweeter than B. I also think that B tasted duller than A. I can't wait to find out what the results were.

Thank you Mania for your concise and thoughtful description of the taste test. BTW, Your prediction about cider being A was correct. 😀 😀 Thanks also to: Brandon for helping create the bar graph; and Aidan, Patience, Kelsey, Leeza, Kaleb, Jude, Cole and Jacob for helping collect the data. Please see the frequency table and bar graph below for a visual description of the data.

Frequency Table of Smiley Face Ratings for Apple Cider and Apple Juice

Apple Cider
Apple Juice
1 Smiley
2 Smileys
3 Smileys
4 Smileys
5 Smileys
1 Smiley
2 Smileys
3 Smileys
4 Smileys
5 Smileys