Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Working in the Greenhouse

Yesterday's rain didn't stop the 7th grade from getting outside and re-potting our tomato plants. Students have worked hard to problem solve and repair the vents, so we now have a fully-functioning greenhouse that automatically opens and closes when the temperature changes. We've been busy hardening off some plants, getting others into the ground, and preparing for our June plant sale.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Project Sweet Talk 2018

Yesterday was our Project Sweet Talk Celebration Day!  The students started working back in January and February to prepare for this day.  Thank you to all who were able to come out and celebrate one of Fairfield's greatest traditions..........sugaring.

Friday, April 20, 2018

Spinach in the Salad Bar

This week we harvested our first round of spinach.  It was a big hit in the salad bar on Wednesday! There will be much more to come after break.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Gardening continues...

The 7th grade is on top of their gardening game! Last week we re-potted our first round of tomato plants, and today we repotted a second round. These plants are getting big and strong. We did some repairs on the greenhouse off the sugarhouse, are working on replacing the frost-free spigot, and planted some more greens in the high tunnel. This class is showing tremendous leadership working in teams with student leaders.

Monday, April 2, 2018

Sugaring Season

The 5th grade got some freshly made syrup today when we visited the sugar house.  Great job to Kayleigh, Kyleigh, and Dom for your great explanations of the sugaring process.

Maple Makes Learning Fun In Fairfield

Check out the County Courier facebook site and you can click on a link to an article that features the Fairfield Center School sugaring operation!

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Feels like Spring!

The 7th grade has planted 17 trays of seeds! We have gotten outside and started pulling weeds around the perimeter of the high tunnel. The high tunnel is nice and warm, and we were thrilled to find some of our fall crops coming up already after overwintering. We have spinach, beets, and cilantro coming up.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Spring gardening has begun!

This week, the 7th grade science class planted our first seeds for this year's garden. We have started a few varieties of tomatoes and peppers that will be moved outside to the high tunnel in late May, as well as a few greens that we hope to harvest throughout the spring. Over the next few weeks we will plant more seeds for the school garden and for our plant sale.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Outdoor Classroom Meeting

Last Thursday, 1/11/18, the Outdoor Classroom Board met to discuss the upcoming sugaring season.  We will be meeting again on February 8th at 5:30 p.m. We hope you will join us.