Sunday, October 29, 2017

Harvest Dinner 2017

This year's Harvest Dinner was quite a success!  Over 300 meals were served to the community by Fairfield's PTO.  Food was grown in our school gardens and donated by community members.  The 8th grade raised meat chickens to make Chicken n Biscuits.  The menu was Chicken n Biscuits, roasted vegetables, mashed potatoes, coleslaw, cranberry sauce, and an assortment of homemade desserts (made by our parents).  Eighth-grade students, high school students, and students from various grades spent their Saturday and Sunday mornings and afternoons helping to set up and carry out the many jobs required to feed over 300 people.  The Harvest Dinner is the PTO's major fundraiser.  Money raised by the PTO helps support the many programs we offer students.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

5th Grade visits NWSWD & Hudak's Farm

In 2020 this becomes
a household law.
5th grade is studying Natural Resources, Composting, and Recycling. Today they visited Northwest Solid Waste District to learn more about recycling.  They then went to Hudak's Farm to learn more about their composting program.  NWSWD picks up our school's food scraps and brings them to Hudak's where they make compost to sell and use in their gardens.  Here are some pictures and video from their trip.  The 5th grade hopes to start making our own compost at our school.

Dairy in the Classroom

This week, the 3rd grade, Team 3/4 Howrigan/Koldys, visited the Sweet Farm in Fletcher. Governor Scott was there help celebrate Farm to School Month.
Here is the TV segment from Channel 5.
Channel 5

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Hay Day and Harvest Dinner

Our annual Hay Day will take place on Friday, October 27th.  Harvest Dinner is on Sunday, October 29th.  A notice was sent home with information to Youngest and Only students.

The 5th grade saw this hornets' nest when we went to Bergeron's Farm.


Sunday, October 15, 2017

Cider Press Friday!

Thank you, Jaime Tibbits for organizing this and Candy Branon, Desi Branon, and Mary Johnson for helping out.  If I missed any helpers, please let me know so I can give them their credit due. Here are some videos and pictures from this beautiful day!!
** October 27th is Hay Day and October 29th is Harvest Dinner!!**
Cider Press

The youngers!!
Helping to bring more apples!

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Apple Cider Press

Tomorrow, 10/13 is Apple Cider Press day!  Look for a post with pictures on tomorrow's blog!
Thank you Jaime Tibbits for making this happen! 

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Gleaning Vegetables

Butternut Squash
Today the 5th grade visited Terry Bergeron's farm to glean vegetables. These vegetables will go to local food shelves.  The 5th grade paired up with Healthy Roots to do this.  "Healthy Roots provides programs and services for both consumers and producers in the Northwest Corner of Vermont that focus on food education, access, and infrastructure."
More peppers!
Happy Kids and Mr. Bergeron! We will
visit again in the spring!
Working hard